Hexo 网站搭建指南

Welcome to Hexo!

This is a Guideline of building your own hexo, which is written in English, but easy to understand!

Preparation and Installation

Git Installation

  • Linux/Mac:
sudo apt install git
  • Windows:

Official link: Download git

  • Check whether installed or not:
git --version

Nodejs Installation

  • Linux/Mac:
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo aot install npm
  • Windows:

Official link: nodejs (Suggest you to choose LTS version)

  • Check whether installed or not:
node -v
npm -v

Hexo Installation

  • Linux/Mac:
sudo npm install -g hexo-cli
  • Windows:
npm install -g hexo-cli
  • Check whether installed or not:
hexo -v

Deploy local Hexo

​ First you need to choose or create a folder to storage the local hexo website. For instance, in C:/Software/My_Hexo.

​ Then right click the folder, click open in Windows terminal; or just use command line to get into that folder.

sudo hexo init Mybolg
ls Myblog
sudo npm install

​ *Note that you can replace Mybolg into any word you like.

​ Now you can see some files inside the folder, but only three folders you need to concerntrated.


  • node_modules: 依赖包
  • public:存放生成的页面
  • scaffolds:生成文章的一些模板
  • source:你的文章和素材放在这里
  • themes:字面意思
  • _config.yml: 博客的配置文件

Use GitHub to host

Create a new repository on GitHub

​ Firstly, you need to have a GitHub account…

​ Then, create a new repository on GitHub and named yourusername.github.io, note that you must named like this (yourusername is your user name), otherwise the deployment cannot be recognized.


Add SSH key to GitHub

​ Back to the terminal, generate the SSH and add it into GitHub so that GitHub can know whether the your computer are visiting the corresponding account.

git cofig --global user.name "yourusername"
git cofig --global user.email "youremail"
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "youremail"

​ The computer then will tell you the path of .ssh, find it on your computer, and open it via notepad.

​ To say it simpler, SSH is just the ID of your computer, GitHub recognized your computer via this ID. id_rsa is your private key that you cannot show it to others, while id_rsa.pub is the public key, you can copy the info to GitHub.

Github -> settings -> personal settings -> SSH and PGP keys -> New SSH key

​ You can verify whether add the SSH key successfully via your terminal:

ssh -T git@github.com

Deploy hexo to GitHub

​ Open your folder, remember the three folders that I let you to concentrate? Now it turns into _config.yml file, open it and add something in the end:

  type: git
  repo: https://github.com/yourusername/yourusername.github.io.git
  branch: master

​ *Notice the format must be totally same with me, pay attention to the blanks.

​ Before deployment, you need to install the deploy-git in your computer so that you can deploy your own hexo into GitHub.

sudo npm install hexo-deployer-git --save

​ Finally, deploy your website via the following commands, and you can visit your bolg via http://yourusername.github.io.

hexo clean
hexo deploy
hexo generate

注:本文部分内容引用自hexo史上最全搭建教程_Fangzh的技术博客, 如有侵权,请联系我。